About Us

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Santa Ana, CA
hello there and welcome. we are jack and jess and we're set to tie the knot in september 2011. we're sharing our adventures and misadventures and hope we inspire anyone so inclined to read. thanks for tuning in.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

crafternoons* are upon us!

Now that we've survived Ari's birthday without incident, its time to plan a few crafting sessions and get ready for this wedding! If you've planned your own wedding, then you know that there are a ton of details. However, I've decided not to let them get the best of me, and so we're just goin' with flow. Any tips, pointers or advice? I'm open! Here are a few little goodies that caught my eye and will probably be incorporated into the celebrations. 

favors with munchies  

pom poms for the sweethearts nook
There's going to be a lot of DIY involved with these nuptials and I don't want to give all of them away just yet.  

I'll be sending out emails to those of you who will be participating in the craft-a-paloozas.

*patent pending! patent pending!!! "crafternoon" is a registered trademark of my pal Elizabeth, of  Please Note!

1 comment:

  1. Just incase you havent already seen it, here's a great DIY site: http://www.tipjunkie.com/
